Bizarre Times!
Current times feel rather bizarre! The voices of a tiny number of extremely powerful people shout above all to squash down those who are vulnerable or different in any way to a space of near total exclusion. The unwarranted adulation of the powerful few further inflates their power, ego and status as they peddle lies and thrive in largely coercive activity. It is very frightening when even democratic societies support that which is strongly dictatorial and largely coercive!
Are we content to live with a situation of racism being at large, the needs of the vulnerable being disregarded and any difference or valued tradition disregarded as disposable? As Irish people, we have had the freedom of the world in terms of seeking refuge and opportunity while in turn the gifts and talents of the Irish concerned, have added value to the new place of residence. That is not to say that the Irish were always treated well by all among whom they lived - of course not, but let us not treat others as we ourselves would not wish to be treated.
Those who are powerful by stealth take advantage of others while seeming to offer them privilege and status. Being chosen by such people will always be a fleeting experience as is the nature of narcissism. The narcissistic person only has eyes for themselves and use others as a mirror in the moment. Lose one’s sheen as a mirror, or if they find a better mirror, they will drop one like a hot potato! Best to be discerning by association and slow in adulation.
The scales of justice are tilted one direction currently needing weight and substance to bring about a balance. It is not largely fashionable to stand and declare if what is happening is right or wrong. Every right or wrong that we do, allow or say has impact on others as well as ourselves. The tilt in the scales in the direction of injustice will only occur if good people do nothing, or stay in the comfort zone, when right action needs to be taken. When we hear the boom of the loudest voice it is best to give ear to the quiet voice of heart space and gut core to know what really matters and act accordingly.
The true value of any person or society is realised in how the most vulnerable and marginalised are treated. Let us take time for the formative conversations that might prevent growth of narcissism and enable the appreciation of the value of each one as gift. The busyness of life allows us to forget the value of the long casual chats that work out what is important to us as society and how we truly are connected together.
Cathy Burke
Parish Catechist for the Lucan Partnership of Parishes