When emailing reports for publication in Lucan Newsletter, please make sure to send them to at least two email addresses
Mary – Community / Schools / Local History
Rose – Sports / Politics
Anna – Parish Notes / Fundraising
Please Note:
All items submitted for publication in Lucan Newsletter must have a contact person/number – address or phone number – not necessarily for publication.
Articles without such will not be published.
Lucan St. Patrick's Day Parade 2025
The Lucan St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2025 will take place on the Bank Holiday Monday, March 17th. Parade starts at 3pm shar. Don’t miss out on the fun! Parade entry forms are now available online—be sure to submit your entry as soon as possible, as places are limited.
Go to or scan the QR Code below. We can’t wait to celebrate with you and make this year’s parade the best one yet!
Volunteer on St. Patrick's Day
We need you on St. Patrick's Day, please volunteer, there is a job for everyone, AND it's great craic. eMail us or fill out the online form (QR Code below), or phone Caroline Brady 085 2551602
Lucan ICA
Look forward to seeing all the ladies back after being off for St Brigid's Day last Monday.
Tea Hostesses are Marie and Sally.
We remember Clair McBrearty on her second anniversary on 10th February.
Esker Active Retirement Association
We had a great attendance at club today for our usual activities, plus we had a visit from Elaine Hannon, Liffey Sound. Elaine chatted to us about the radio station and interviewed a few of our members.
We meet every Wednesday 1.30 to 4pm in St Andrew's Parish Hall, Main Street Lucan. Regular activities include cards scrabble and bowls, with occasional other events such as chaerobics, line dancing etc. We also organise trips in Ireland and abroad. New members always welcome.
Anam Cara
Anam Cara, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, will hold its monthly Parent Support Evening on Monday 10th February at 7.30pm in the Maldron Hotel, Whitestown Way, Tallaght.
This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or how recent their death was. You do not need to register in advance.
We also offer an online support group meeting. To find out more call 01 4045378 or email
Lucan Senior Citizens
Wednesday 12th February – Valentine’s Social Morning in St. Mary’s Parish Centre, 10.30 – 12.30.
New members welcome
Lucan Active Retirement Association
We meet in St. Andrew's Parish Centre, Main Street, Lucan, on Thursdays at 11.30am.
New members always welcome, come and join us in a friendly atmosphere and meet new friends.
There is a charge of €5 each week to cover costs, but there is no charge for your first meeting.
Lots of activities to enjoy. Bowls, scrabble, cards, drama and choir.
Coffee break at 1pm. Organised trips in Ireland and abroad.
Ballyowen Castle Community Centre
Telephone: 01 253 6105 or 085 867 1245
Follow us on Facebook (Ballyowen Castle Community Centre) or on Instagram (ballyowen_community_centre)
Baby & Toddler: Our Baby & Toddler Group is back on Mondays from 11-12.30 this is suitable for ages 0-3 and gives parents or caregiver a chance for a chat and well deserved cup of tea.
Active over 55's: Due to popular demand our Qigong class has been extended until 6th of March. Everyone is really enjoying the class and the tea and chats after.
New Class Alert: We have a new Dance Fitness class starting on Tuesday 11th of February from 7pm-8pm.
Record Fair: We are delighted to have the Lucan Record Fair at the centre Sunday 9th February staring at 10.30am until 4pm.
Room booking: Would you like to book a room in the centre for a meeting or a group activity? We have some availability and offer competitive rates. Email us to make a booking.
Palmerstown Camera Club
Palmerstown camera club monthly competition (Still life) was held on Wednesday the 29th of January in the Palmerstown Parish Centre.
The winners in Novice were Annie Whitley, John O’Flaherty, Ben Emmet, Maria Harrington, Linda Ffrench.
Intermediate winners were James Greenfield. Ciaran O Rourke, Kieran Cahill, Miriam Power, Aidan Lawlor, Ulla Devitt.
Advanced winners were Lorraine Morris, Eddie Kavanagh, Orla Brady, Aoife Tierney, Kevin Naughton.
And the image of the month went to Kevin Naughton.
Palmerstown Camera Club is always open to new members joining. We run every Wednesday night from 8 to 10.
Minder & Toddler Group
In St. Mary’s Parish Centre,
from 9.30 to 11.30am.
All Welcome!
Lucan Citizens Information Centre
Our telephone number is 0818 07 5090
Our office is located in the Ballyowen Castle Youth and Community Centre, Ballyowen, Lucan
Opening hours:
Walk-ins to see an Information Officer
Tuesday: 10am - 12pm and 2pm to 4 pm
Wednesday: None
Thursday: 10am – 12pm and 2pm to 4 pm
Reception open*
Tuesday: 10am - 1pm and 2pm - 4pm
Wednesday: 10am - 1pm and 2pm - 4pm
Thursday: 10am - 1pm and 2pm - 4pm
We are closed on Mondays and Fridays.
Citizens Information Phone Service (CIPS) is open Monday to Friday 9 am to 8pm on 0818 07 4000
MABS – the Money Advice and Budgeting Service is the State's money advice service, guiding people through dealing with problem debt for over 20 years. MABS phone service is open Monday to Friday 9 am to 8 pm on 0818 07 2000
Age Action for all Older People
Age Action are offering five hours tutoring, remotely, to anyone who needs support using their smartphone, tablet or laptop. Covering topics like how to set up an email, how to download an app, how to use video calling to see your loved ones etc.
For more information, please call 01 4756989 or email
Older people need your support!
ALONE is recruiting volunteers to provide companionship and support through their Telephone Support & Befriending service for older people.
ALONE asks that interested volunteers commit to one set shift of 2 hours per week for a minimum of 6 months.
Visit for more information.
Lucan Newsletter Sales Outlets
Lucan Village
Collins Butchers, Main Street
Lynchs / Centra
Ballyowen / Ballydowd area
Texaco Service Station
Esker area
Spar Finnstown
Dodsboro area
Spar Dodsboro
St. Mary’s Church, Lucan
St. Patrick’s, Esker