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28 July 2024
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Community notes

picture of two hands shaking



When emailing reports for publication in Lucan Newsletter, please make sure to send them to at least two email addresses

Mary – Community / Schools / Local History

Rose – Sports / Politics

Anna – Parish Notes / Anniversaries


Please Note:

All items submitted for publication in Lucan Newsletter must have a contact person/number – address or phone number – not necessarily for publication.
Articles without such will not be published.


Lucan Newsletter Summer Hols!

We’re all going on a Summer Holiday from now
until Sunday 1st September.

All items for that issue should be with us by
Wednesday 28th August.

We hope all will have a happy and safe holiday time!


Lucan Tidy Towns

Busy times for our team, litter picking, painting and tending to flowerbeds.

Thanks to some local businesses for facilitating the installation of water butts on their premises and to South Dublin County Council for providing these.

Lucan Tidy Towns




Two little ladies, Elsie and Olivia, our junior tidy towners, litter picking in the church car park. Tidy Tim, our mascot, watching out for the Tidy Towns competition adjudicator and reminding us all to Keep Lucan Tidy.


Lucan Library - August Bank Holiday

Please note that Lucan Library will close on Friday 2nd August at 4.30pm and reopen on Tuesday 6th August at 9.45am.



“Women of the Easter Rising” - a Heritage Week talk with Liz Gillis
Join Liz as she discusses the fascinating story of the role that women played both directly and indirectly in the Irish revolution. These woen were vital to the revolutionary movement and the independence movement could not have succeeded without their contribution, which saw them put themselves in great danger in order to help free their country.

On here at Lucan Library on 26th August at 7pm. You can book a place through Eventbrite at



From the Pale to the Palace: King Charles’ Irish Ancestors
Join Seamus Cullen here at Lucan Library as he discusses a fascinating shared history between England and Ireland, on Thursday 22nd August at 7pm.
The last Irish Royal Richard Wellesley 1st Marquess Wellesley, a descendent of the Colley Family of Carberry Castle (Seen above) was the great great grandfather of the Queen Mother who died in 2022. Seamus will look and dissect this family connection through the centuries. Y

ou can book a place for this Heritage Week Talk through Evenbrite




Lucan Drama

Christopher Walsh and Thomas Weir, the 2 men accused of murdering Rev. McCarten, spent a couple of hours in and around Lucan Village on the night of the murder. They, along with other members of their group, stopped for a drink in Lucan and there is very strong evidence to suggest that they stopped in at a public house called The Royal known as Courtney's of Lucan Village.

It seems pretty appropriate that we should be staging A Murder on Chapel Hill in Courtney's and we look forward to seeing you all there during our run from Monday September 2nd to Wednesday September 4th. Tickets are €12 with a dinner/show offer of €35 which includes a 2 course dinner with tea or coffee and a ticket for the show. Tickets will be available very soon from Lucan Drama - Bringing Drama to your Doorstep!



On Saturday and Sunday the 7th and 8th September in St Andrews Parish Centre from 2 to 5.30, we are reverting back to the old way of running an Historical Exhibition.

There will be a display of maps from 1772 to present day.

Lucan House documents.
An account of Patrick Sarsfield 1st Earl of Lucan.
Spa Hotel and Spa
Hills Mills
Shackletons Mills
Lucan for Sale in 1874 and 1919
Lucan Tram
Murder in Lucan
Thomas Robert's Views of Lucan Demesne (c1760)
There will also be a model railway exhibition

We look forward to seeing you there!


Esker Active Retirement Association

The club may be closed for our usual weekly meetings for the summer, but our members are still meeting up for outings.

On 11th July, 30 of us went to Bord Gais to see Pretty Woman the Musical, we all really enjoyed it.


Then on 18th July we went by coach to Arigna Mining Experience, which was really interesting, followed by a stroll around Carrick on Shannon and meal in Feericks on way home.


On 7th August, Helen has booked a coach to take 50 of us to afternoon dance in Royal Marine hotel.

Then on 14th August we're off on a full day trip to Avoca and Avondale. So lots to look forward to until we reopen in September.


Lucan Senior Citizens

On Tuesday 9th July, we said goodbye to our friend and long-time member, Barbara Coughlan.


Barbara was a colourful lady who loved fashion, art and music. All her outfits were beautifully co-ordinated even the gloves! A kind and gentle lady, she will be sadly missed.
Sincere sympathy to Jennifer, Susan, Ultan, Connor, Des and Eden.

We send our sincere sympathy to our friend and colleague Agnes Kavanagh, on the sudden death of her son Mike, in New Zealand. We are thinking of Agnes and her daughters Caroline and Pauline at this sad time.


Calling out to Musicians!

St Finian’s Folk Group is looking for musicians to join our group.

We are an adult folk group based in Newcastle. We sing at 10am Mass every second Sunday and we practice on Tuesday night from 8pm-9pm.

If you are interested in joining us, or if you would like to have a chat to get more information, we would love to hear from you.

Please ring Emer on 0872733846



SOL is the local history group for Lucan; open to everyone. Free to join - email to be added to our members’ mailing list where full details of projects are shared.
Facebook group; “Society for Old Lucan (SOL)” & Twitter: @Soc4OldLucan
. Website:

The SOL Committee has been exceptionally busy and active for the last few months, working on the future of our voluntary historical tours of Lucan Demesne, given the recent move into ownership by SDCC. We had an excellent working relationship with His Excellency, Ambassador Corrias and his staff, who facilitated and encouraged the work of SOL on so many levels. We hope that this can continue. However, we expect it may be early 2025 before public access to the demesne is opened, and this depends so much on work being funded and carried out by SDCC, to ensure safe access for the public.

We have also been very busy with the innovative Photogrammetry Project with St. Joseph’s TY Year (see blog , planning training for SOL members in transcribing the “new” Vesey Manuscript as a project (see blog , slowly upgrading our website, lobbying for the repair of the at-risk Airlie House which is currently on the market, updating the Lucan Memorial Campaign, and running & planning talks and walks.

SOL & Scott Archive from Woodville House: A Grave Discovery!<


Some time ago you may remember the work we did to secure the archives from the Scott Family formerly of Woodville House, Lucan, for SDCC Local Studies, with tremendous work by Dave Power, SDCC Libraries. Work has been progressing on cataloguing the Scott family collection from Woodville House, Lucan and Locklesley House, Shankill. It's being added to all the time, see

Last week I had a related surprise breakthrough on the vault in the medieval graveyard of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Lucan village. For those of you who have seen the site, a large stone and brick vault is built on to the South wall of the church. Inside are lead-lined coffins of high-status people, but nobody knew who was interred there. Many guesses have been made, from the Sarsfield's to the later Lucan House owners the Vesey-Colthurst’s.

When cataloguing one of the digitised documents from Lady Mary Bassett Scott of Woodville House, Lucan, her last Will and Testament dated 1866, and saw that she stated that she wished to be interred, as privately as possible, in the family vault in Lucan Church Yard. The Anglican Church in Lucan has no burials within, as it was a stipulation of James Gandon when he donated the land for the church. There is no other churchyard in Lucan village.

You may have seen the large family vault in the medieval graveyard in Lucan village during one of our open days? See below for recent image.


Nobody has ever been able to put a name to who is buried inside until now. It contains 4 or 5 lead-lined coffins, and I now believe they include Sir Hoptoun Stratford Scott who owned Woodville House (see for excellent info on Woodville), Lucan (a house demolished in the 20th century between Hermitage and Edmundbusy) who died in 1860, and his wife, Lady Mary, who died in1867.

Sadly, sometime in the 1980’s, Lucan children started playing in the graveyard and accessed the interior of the vault. At this point, we believe the then Dublin County Council bricked up the vault for safekeeping.

However, we persistently hear credible stories about how a sword was found within the vault, around this time. This is quite possible, due to Sir Scott being a Major-General in the Madras Army of the East India Company in the late 18th century onwards. Indeed, if you follow the link on his name above, you’ll see his portrait and he is painted with his ceremonial dress and sword to his right. Perhaps this is the sword that was discovered. We believe that this sword is still in private hands and would encourage the owner (or indeed anybody with very old material from Lucan) to come forward and approach SOL about this, as our history should not be hidden away from others.

SOL Heritage Week Events: Booking Now
We are excited to be hosting three Heritage Week 2024 events, in partnership with Lucan Library this year. You can explore all of Ireland’s Heritage Week offerings here: - so much fascinating stuff to do around the area!

The Finds Table:
The first is for all you collectors out there; from 10am – 11.30 Sat 17th August in Lucan Library, we are encouraging anyone with bits and pieces from Lucan or nearby to bring them along to Lucan Library, to show others interested in our local history. Even if you have one interesting item from times’ past, bring it along! Pottery, glass, signage, documents, photos, tickets, toys, implements; all welcome.
Book here:

We will have a small collection of fieldwalking finds of pottery shards, iron pieces and even clay pipes to display and handle, that we have picked up around Lucan, but we also want to see your stuff! If you have a few items of Lucan interest, email us at and we can arrange a small spot for you in the room, if you’re bringing a collection to show.

Maybe you just want to look at the field-walking finds and collections of others? No problem! – we are looking forward to seeing you at this event, young and old, as it’s a collaboration and exploration of local history items from Lucan.

Medieval Esker: Hiding in Plain Sight with Helen Farrell
Book here: Starting time of talk 12.00 sharp at Lucan Library, Sat 17th August. With thanks to Lucan Library for co-hosting this event as part of Heritage Week 2024.

Learn about the history of the sites of the Royal Manor of Esker, the medieval King John's Bridge, and St. Finian's medieval church. Find out what people lived in the area in times past. Learn about a medieval sculpture that survived in Esker; the only one of its kind in Ireland. What could possibly survive in suburban Esker to this day?

Helen Farrell is the Chairwoman of Society for Old Lucan (SOL), has published on medieval Esker in Archaeology Ireland, is a former field archaeologist, and Lucan resident. Illustrated talk, Q&A welcome at end.
Suitable for age 10+
(Talk given in Spring 2023 to summarise our involvement with the "Adopt a Monument" project")

Lucan Steam and Electric Trams: 1881 – 1940
Starting time of talk 2pm sharp at Lucan Library, Sat 17th August.
A fascinating glimpse into the early days of steam and electric transport from one of Lucan's foremost local historians, Joe Byrne, this talk is for anyone interested in the history of rail travel and Lucan's social history. Joe has gathered over 100 images to illustrate this talk.

Society for Old Lucan (SOL) are honoured to have Joe present this talk, as Joe was a committee member of the former Lucan Historical Society, has extensive personal and research local knowledge and is a proud Lucanian. Joe organises the annual "Lucan Festival" for the community each year in September. Illustrated talk, Q&A welcome at end.
Suitable for age 14+

With thanks to Lucan Library for co-hosting this event as part of Heritage Week 2024


Primrose Hill Gardens - Heritage Week Opening

Are open for summer flowers.
Also, tree walks in a scenic setting.
Very top of Primrose Lane, Lucan, in Lucan Village.

Adults - €6
Children - free
Open since 1992

Heritage Week 17th – 25th August 2pm – 6pm


Ballyowen Castle Community Centre

Telephone: 01 253 6105 or 085 867 1245
Follow us on Facebook (Ballyowen Castle Community Centre) or on Instagram (ballyowen_community_centre)

Location: We are located beside Centric Health Ballyowen and Giraffe Childcare Ballyowen, behind Lidl in Ballyowen Shopping Centre (as you come in from Castle Road).

Room booking: Would you like to book a room in the centre for a meeting or a group activity? We have some availability and offer competitive rates. Email us to make a booking.

Speed dating at Ballyowen: Would you like to see speed dating at Ballyowen Community Centre?
Just for fun, maybe a bit of romance, or simply for some great company. We'd love to hear if there is interest, so email or phone us to let us know.

Golden Hour Club: Our Thursday afternoon club for the over 55s continues to go from strength to strength! Thanks to all our regular attendees but we would love to welcome more people along. Join us on August 1st @ 1pm for our movement session & coffee.

Lucan Festival: We are excited to be part of the line-up for the Lucan Festival this year, and are looking forward to hosting the Festival Chess Tournament during the Festival Week. We’ll have further details soon.


Lucan Lions Club

Lucan Lions Club held its final meeting for the 2023/2024 term in the Lucan Spa Hotel on Tuesday 9 July. At this meeting, the outgoing President Ray Barnes presented the Chain of Office to incoming President Gerry Ennis (pictured). Congratulations Gerry and wishing you a successful year in your new role.


We would like to thank all of our loyal sponsors, supporters and volunteers for all of their help during the year. We are very grateful to Ger Joyce, Kevin Aylward and the ever-helpful SuperValu staff for facilitating our fundraising events throughout the year. The proceeds from these fundraising activities were presented to a range of local organisations/groups at our Annual Awards Night.


The President’s Award for 2024 went to Paddy’s Barbers, Lucan in recognition of 60 years’ service to the Lucan Community. Established by Paddy Monaghan in 1964, the business is proudly carried on by his three sons David, Philip and Alan. David and Philip (pictured) were there to receive the Award on the night.

On a separate note, well done to the Lucan Tidy Towns Committee who have been out in force preparing diligently for the 2024 competition. They have done a fantastic job painting the bridge at the Weir and have made so many enhancements around the village.

Many thanks to the staff at Lucan Newsletter for publicising our activities throughout the year. Have a well-earned break for August. Many thanks also to the management and staff at the Lucan Spa Hotel for their unending support.

If you are interested in joining the Lions Club, we meet in the Spa Hotel on the second Tuesday of each month at 8.00 pm.

Mattie McCabe, PRO


Adult Education

The Adult Education Service in Lucan Education Centre, on Esker Hill are currently enrolling for free and flexible part-time courses commencing in September 2024. These Back to Education Initiative (BTEI) courses are at times to allow you to choose between one and four different subjects to fit around your busy life. Each subject is 4 hours, 1 morning per week. This can lead to QQI qualification.

The following subjects are available this term:
Spanish for Beginners
Introduction to Microsoft Word
Introduction to Microsoft Excel (Spreadsheets)
Intercultural Awareness
Business English
Improving English and Communication Skills
Digital Media
Reception & Frontline Office Skills
Advanced Spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel)

For more details, contact
Or call 01 6283557


Lucan Citizens Information Centre

Our telephone number is 0818 07 5090

Our office is located in the Ballyowen Castle Youth and Community Centre, Ballyowen, Lucan

Opening hours:
Walk-ins to see an Information Officer

Tuesday: 10am - 12pm and 2pm to 4 pm
Wednesday: None
Thursday: 10am – 12pm and 2pm to 4 pm

Reception open*
Tuesday: 10am - 1pm and 2pm - 4pm
Wednesday: 10am - 1pm and 2pm - 4pm
Thursday: 10am - 1pm and 2pm - 4pm
We are closed on Mondays and Fridays.

Citizens Information Phone Service (CIPS) is open Monday to Friday 9 am to 8pm on 0818 07 4000

MABS – the Money Advice and Budgeting Service is the State's money advice service, guiding people through dealing with problem debt for over 20 years. MABS phone service is open Monday to Friday 9 am to 8 pm on 0818 07 2000


Age Action for all Older People

Age Action are offering five hours tutoring, remotely, to anyone who needs support using their smartphone, tablet or laptop. Covering topics like how to set up an email, how to download an app, how to use video calling to see your loved ones etc.

For more information, please call 01 4756989 or email



Older people need your support!
ALONE is recruiting volunteers to provide companionship and support through their Telephone Support & Befriending service for older people.

ALONE asks that interested volunteers commit to one set shift of 2 hours per week for a minimum of 6 months.

Visit for more information.


Lucan Newsletter Sales Outlets

Lucan Village
Collins Butchers, Main Street
Lynchs / Centra

Ballyowen / Ballydowd area
Texaco Service Station

Esker area
Spar Finnstown

Dodsboro area
Spar Dodsboro

St. Mary’s Church, Lucan
St. Patrick’s, Esker