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14 July 2024
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pictures of the churches in lucan


Well done to our local Tidy Towns Group who gave the Liffey Bridge a new coat of paint last week. It is looking brilliant, and would look even better if the sun would shine on it!

A lot of effort is being expended around the Village and local estates, keeping them spruced up with many floral displays and general tidiness.
Let's hope it all pays off!


Below: Swords Group upcycled an old wheelbarrow in their Tidy Towns efforts!


Anyone for Chess? We've noticed the game becoming very popular in Lucan these days. It started with some adult classes a few months back, now the Library are hosting games for children, and rumour has it that a Chess Tournament will be held during Lucan Festival this September! Birdie will have to get grinds in Chess!


St. Mary's Camera Soiree

I hope you are enjoying the 'summer' weather. As I write this the thermometer is showing a temperature of 12 degrees and it's raining! In contrast my friend in Arlington, Virginia, USA is sweltering in temperatures of around 37 degrees with almost 100% humidity. I think I prefer here!

Birdie Either to cheer us up or depress us further Donal has submitted some more photos that he took on his recent visit to France.




This time the photos come from Avignon, the historic centre of which is another UNESCO World Heritage Site. Avignon has a papal palace. This arises from the fact that in 1305 Pope Clement V, who at the time of his election in 1305 was neither an Italian nor a cardinal refused to move to Rome. In 1309 he established his court in the papal enclave at Avignon, where it remained for the next 67 years. The move of the Curia was the result of a search to escape from the infighting of the powerful Roman families that had produced earlier Popes. Seven legitimate popes resided at Avignon. Pope Gregory XI was the last and he returned to Rome in September 1336.


On the home front Kay has submitted photos of the sunset taken in her garden and Anna has submitted photos of sunsets taken in Milltown Malbay where she reports the weather is much better than in Dublin.


Stay safe until next week!