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28 July 2024
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pictures of the churches in lucan


A good question! We wonder about the security at Lucan House now that it has been taken over by SDCC, and presumably is unoccupied.

A reader has questioned 3 local councillors on the matter, and so far the response has been silence. A fourth undertook to enquire as to the situation…….

In the current environment it would be sad to wake up some morning and find that the house has been vandalised or worse still .....

Mindless Vandalism! Sad to see one of the new young trees only recently planted on Hillcrest Road, torn up and left there on Wednesday last.

Sport: On a happier note, we all enjoyed the Hurling last weekend and look forward to the football on Sunday, and also the Olympic Games in Paris, where the Irish got off to a good start!


St. Mary's Camera Soiree

Well, the summer break is upon us and for our final 'back page' of the season Michael G has submitted some more photos of his visit to Canterbury.


Of particular interest is his photo of the shrine in Canterbury Cathedral on the spot where Thomas Becket was martyred in 1170 and where Pope (Saint) John Paul 11 and Rober Runcie, Archbishop of Canterbury, knelt together in prayer on 29th May 1982.


He also submitted a photo of the shoreline at Whitstable, 8 km from Canterbury. Whitstable is famous for its Oysters which have been collected from beds beyond the low water mark from Roman times. The Oyster companies are all unusual as under Acts of the UK Parliament going back to 1793 the companies own the freehold of the seabed.


At home Kay was in county Wexford in Johnstown Castle where the peacock she found seems to have posed specially for her.


Conor gave us a photograph of the meadow brown butterfly. Everyone in the group remarked on how scarce sightings of butterflies are this year. They are as rare as bees!


Conor also submitted a photo of a Compass jellyfish off Ireland's Eye. These creatures may look beautiful but keep your distance if you see one because they pack a nasty sting! Once they have stung something, they often leave the tentacle behind and can continue to sting using it even when not connected to their body.

May I wish all our readers and the Newsletter team all the best for the holiday period. Stay safe until next time!


Seasonal Gazette 23-7-24

To our Newsletter Teams - Thank you for all the years - wishing your restoration a jollity. May your days be sun-kissed!

To the invincible Tidy town Teams who wire-brushed and painted the elegant bridge of Lucan, and the joy of seeing our village enhanced by planting and flowers. Thank you each one.

In reference to the dangerous barbed-wire fencing at left of riverside walk from farmer's gate towards bridge in Lucan Demesne - the following was received from Ms. Leonard, Sen. Executive Officer EETD., SDCC (ID 1803223 - ref). The lands on which this is situated are in the ownership of O.P.W. and I will draw attention to this matter .... etc.


Tree names set on site with elegant bronze imprinted inserts describing tree shape, name - both in Latin and Irish with fruiting elements. A revelation to a stroller.

3 beautiful bronze sculptures representing oak from seed to leaf - again by John Boylan SDCC - with relevant poetry on plaques.

Remembering the photographic project called 'Windows' by St. Mary's Soiree - one of which fascinates - a pink rose-filled window at Cloud Nine on Liffey St. The legend is of imaginative use of excessive toilet rolls acquired during Covid lockdown - the window is now clear of such ornamentation!!!

A joyful encounter in St. Catherines Park last week with 'Lazerus', a tiger coloured cat on a leash, attended to by his owner who had a carrier on her back into which this beauty escaped when encountering a dog!

Happy Days!