Pancakes on the horizon this week! It seems more and more people are making them from a bottle, or even buying them ready made!
In auld God's day, as the fellow would say, the woman of the house would make the batter early on in the day, leaving it standing with a damp tea towel or the likes over it, until it was time to feed the hungry masses ....
Get those hedges cut! March 1st is just here, so very little time to clip those garden hedges - the birdies will be building their nests and rearing their chicks from 1st March.
The greening of Lucan! Have you noticed the slightest tinge of green coming over the trees all over Lucan this past week - Spring must be sprung!
Lots of Daffodils along the roadways too, and it's good to hear the sound of lawn mowers again after the long winter ....
What about the 6 Nations! The game against Wales was heart-stopping last weekend. We all need the break this week in preparation for next weekend ....
And the Dubs ran away with the game against Derry - things are looking good in that camp!
St. Mary's Camera Soiree
The Camera Soiree has chosen the subject of 'gates' for the month of March but we still have some Spring flowers from February, in particular a photograph of the first Wood Anemone spotted by Brendan along the Strawberry Beds. The flower is part of the buttercup family and blooms from March to May in this part of the world.
Conor has produced the first photographs of the subject for the month of March with his photograph of the gates at the back entrance to Luttrellstown Castle.
The castle dates from the early 15th century. The demesne and adjoining lands had been granted to Sir Geoffrey de Luttrell about 1210 by King John of England and the castle was in the hands of the Luttrell family until the beginning of the 19th century. Victoria Adams married David Beckham there in 1999.
Conor spotted some Cormorants on the Liffey just above the weir. Cormorants are generally sociable birds that nest in colonies, gather in flocks and often hunt together in groups.
We got some nice monochrome photos from Donal which captured the light and shade beautifully.
Brendan got quite excited that Donal had managed to photograph a bumble bee and remarked that he had seen his first tortoiseshell butterfly, both surely signs that Spring is here. Ireland has 21 native Bumblebee species. Four are endangered, 2 are vulnerable and the Great Yellow Bumble bee is on the verge of extinction.
Until next week stay safe!