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a picture denoting stories and poems

Below you can find a selection of stories and poems written by readers of the Newsletter that have appeared in the newsletter over the last couple of years. Click on the title to view the full piece.

To have everything & Saw
by Anita O'Kearney

Nollaig na mBan
by mgm

Back to School
Willie, it is half past eight ....

Who Takes Care Of You
by Ella Mae Mulhern August 2023

Summer Holidays, 1950's style
by MGM July 2023

“I Was Just Thinking”
There is Heaven in your own back garden

What Spring Can Bring
by David Doyle

A tribute to Pete
Farewell my friend, I miss the craic

Christmas Morning 1952
by Mattie Lennon

Christmas Connects
by M.G.M.

by Gerard Byrne

PLACES (Lucan Village circa.1970's)
by Gerard Byrne

Imagine Summer 2021
by Benny, Hillcrest

Leaning on the Griffeen Wall
by Paddy Mulhern

by John Kelly

by Anita O'Kearney

COVID-19 why are you so mean?
by Grace O'Neill (age 10)

Capt. Keen's Burst Pipe
by John Kelly

by Paddy Mulhern

A New Tomorrow
by Ciara Lenihan

Those were the Schooldays
by John Kelly

The Promise of Spring
by Anita O'Kearney

The Gaze
by MGM

War of the Wasps
by John Kelly

A Christmas Tale
by John Kelly

by Eoin McCarthy

Santa loses his Hat
by Keelin Lenihan Murphy

by MGM

Summer 2018
by Benny

Just a Breath Away
by MGM

War Memorial Gardens
by Paddy Mulhern

Within His Palm
by MGM

by Cecilia Murray

April flatters to deceive......
by Denis Torsney

The Gate
The gate that held those feelings in........

A Very Special Girl
Naoife turned on her side and promptly fell asleep knowing that it was all sorted.

Back to School
Another year in school has just begun

The Carer
She stands by the steps of the grey Cathedral

from the top of the Lucan Bus

The Hollow
by Paddy Mulhern

Christmas at the Murphys
by M.G.M. December 2016

Christmas Cards
by Michael Slator

St. Vincent de Paul
by Paddy Mulhern

by John Kelly

Childhood Days
In Grove Street I did play....

Where are the Stars?
The headlights of the car.......

What Makes Me Happy as I Grow Older
Bealtaine Award Winner

The Daffodil Tree
by Benny

Who Am I
by MGM

Flooded Liffey Walk 2015
by Benny

Childhood Christmas Memories
by Benny

Slimeballs at Christmas
by Michael Slator

Memories 1969
by Benny

Remembering Joanie
by John Kelly

Fallen Hero
Garda Tony Golden

Halloween 1959
by Benny

by Benny

A Poem for Robert Drake
by John Kelly

Boy on the Beach
by Michael Fitzpatrick

Said the Land to the Sea
by An Peann

The Ideal Goddaughter
by M.G.M.

The Funeral
Play time in Lucan of old

Cobblestones Clean
By Paddy Mulhern

The best Christmas Present I ever got
By Michael Slator

By Benjamin Marr

My Lucan Love
by Paddy Mulhern

Farewell to 12a Sarsfield Park
by John Kelly

Santa Claus is on Schedule
by Stephen Byrne

The Flickering Light
by mgm

The case for Christmas
by Michael Slater

In Lucan Demesne
by Paddy Mulhern

by Gabrielle Fullam

Bright Eyes
by John Kelly

Laundry Girl
by Paddy Mulhern

by Oisin O'Sullivan, age 11

It Won't Be The Same
by John Kelly

Another Earth
by Paddy Mulhern

The Detached Man
by John Kelly

The Game
by Paddy Mulhern

The Re-Union – Crinkle National School 2009
by T. A. Keane

Ice Cream Shop
by Paddy Mulhern

The Washboard
by T.A.Keane

Rain and More Rain
by MGM

His Shadow
by Stephen Byrne

Liffey Valley
by Paddy Mulhern

Rusty Hours
by Gabrielle Fullam

The Ballad of the Titanic
by Gerald O’Reilly (1866 – 1950)

The Poet
by Paddy Mulhern

When We Christened Julia Rose
by Paddy Mulhern

Joan's Book
The Stories and Poems of Joan O'Flynn

The Rubbish in my Head
by Paddy Mulhern

Thoughts From The Manger
by Paddy Mulhern

A Christmas Memory
by Stephen Byrne

Another Mouth to Feed
by Paddy M.G.M.

The Caboose
by M.G.M.

by Mary McCabe

Ireland's Ninth President
by MGM

The Cemetery
by Paddy Mulhern

Ode to Deirdre
by mgm

The Leg of the chair
by Paddy Mulhern

by Paddy Mulhern

by Stephen Byrne

Behind The Crab Apple Trees
by Paddy McElroy

No Valentine
by Paddy Mulhern

Tar and Cement

The Melancholy Mix
by m.g.m.

Looking Out
by m.g.m.

by Stephen Byrne

A Pudding of a Christmas
by M.G.M.

Insulation Blues
by Paddy Mulhern

by Paddy Mulhern

Fed Up
by Bernie Martin

Up and Down
by Paddy Mulhern

A Summer Poem
by Jessica Eakins

Tidy Town People
by Paddy Mulhern

Bury me in Esker
A soulless place yet full of souls

What The Teddy Bears Do
by Hannah Mahony

The Dark Side of the Earth
by Eamonn Lynskey

Where am I
by m.g.m.

Sheep and Lambs
and Katherine Tynan

A Memory of Wicklow in Winter
At the passage of night....

If Things Had Worked Out
If things had worked out the way I'd planned, you'd remember my face

The Moss that Haunts My Lawn
Friends tell me they are worried

Will Ya Tell Him
by Peter Donohue

The Snow Mask
Snow stretches as far as the eye can see

I saw a robin
I saw a robin this morning

Will 2009 be different than Christmas’ past?
Coming down the road I saw that Cunningham’s had their Christmas lights on

Somewhere out of the mess

Did I beg from you today

It's a sure sign summer's drifted

Autumn Break
Yellow flames dancing and rising high

School Tour
“I want to see the Efelent”. A grimy six-year-old hand tugged my skirt and tried to pull me towards the wooden stockade.

Wait for Me?
River winding to the sea

Anyone Seen My Grandma?
The computer swallowed grandma

Scoil Mhuire Days
Children run to find their places

How do I know?
How do I know that clouds chase

I sat and dined with a friend of mine

A lullaby of peace
I want to walk along the cliffs

Growing up
You held the blue umbrella firmly.

Clever Santa
Niks sat at the kitchen table. His brow was furrowed and the pencil was grasped so tightly in his eight-year-old fist that the knuckles showed white through his skin.

She came home, carrying it like one of the regal magi bearing a gift for the infant Jesus. Held with seriousness beyond her five years, this tiny green shoot in a yogurt pot.

A sign of the times
“But will he know, Mammy? Will he know?”
“Of course, he’ll know Oran.”
“But how will he know, Mam?”
“Because Santa knows everything, sweetheart.”

Exotic interloper
There’s a sunflower in my garden.
I didn’t plant it, didn’t sow it,
Didn’t even know that it was there.
It dropped into the sodden earth from God knows where.

A great day out
Tommy lay on the mossy patch of grass beside the river. Little flies hovered over the water and the sun danced on the ripples made by fish as they touched the surface.

Shona at the parade
Shona was really excited when she got her first green dancing skirt.