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23 March 2025
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Parish notes

picture of a family in a church


During Lent Weekday Evening Mass will be in St Mary’s Church at 7.30pm. Covering both St Mary’s and St Patrick’s.


St Mary’s, Lucan

Sunday Mass Times: Vigil: 6.30pm
Sunday: 10.30am, 12 noon, 7pm

Weekday Masses: Saturday 10am

Masses live-streamed on

Best Wishes to the boys and girls of Gaelscoil Eiscir Riada who will make their Confirmation on 27th March.
Please remember them in your prayers

St. Vincent de Paul church collection at all Masses THIS Saturday/ Sunday 22nd/23rd March.
Many thanks for your generosity.

St. Mary’s Readers’ Roster April 2025
The roster for readers at the Saturday vigil, 12 noon and 7pm Masses on Sundays in St. Mary’s for the month of April 2025 has been sent to all readers by email. If any reader has not received it a copy is available for inspection in the sacristy.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
On Saturdays from the conclusion of the 10am Mass to 11.30am – funerals permitting.

Christian Meditation:
We resume Tuesdays at 8pm in the Parish Bungalow.
All welcome.
Sr Geraldine

Lectio Divina:
Lectio Divina meet every Monday evening (except Bank Holidays) at 7.30pm in the Bungalow to reflect for an hour on the following Sunday’s gospel.
All are welcome.

Bethany Bereavement Support Group:
We meet on the 2nd Monday (at 10.45am) and the 4th Thursday (at 8pm) each month, in the Parish Centre. We are available to listen or just be there for anyone who is feeling lonely or lost following the death of a loved one. If you would like to attend a meeting, please contact the Parish Office. (Phone 01 6217041)

Confessions – Nuns’ Chapel:
Saturday Evening 6.30pm Mass.

Legion of Mary:
Meeting every Thursday 5.30pm in the Parish Bungalow for Rosary and Prayers.
All Welcome.

Divine Mercy Devotion:
Every Wednesday morning in St Mary’s Parish Church after the 10am Mass until 11am (unless there is a funeral), the Divine Mercy Chaplet is prayed during exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. This devotion, revealed to St Faustina by Our Lord is a prayer of atonement for our own sins and the sins of the whole world. We pray especially for evil to be defeated and for peace in the world.

Visits to the housebound:
If you are housebound you can call Deirdre at the parish office (01 621 7041) we will be happy to call on a monthly basis.

Baptisms in St. Mary’s:
Procedure for baptisms in the parish. Parents who register their children for baptism are invited and must attend a preparatory meeting in the month before the ceremony. The ceremony of baptism will take place in two parts. The children will be welcomed at a short ceremony during 10:30 a.m. Mass, the Family Mass, on the Sunday prior to their actual baptism date.
Dates are bookable on line.

Why not come into the Coffee Dock for a cuppa and a chat after the10am Weekday Mass and on Sundays after the morning Masses.

Recent Deaths
Deepest Sympathy to the family and friends of Kay McManus, Lucan Heights, to the family and friends of Mary Fagan, formerly Beech Grove and to the husband, family and friends of Catherine Strickland, formerly Arthur Griffith Park.
May they rest in peace.


St Patrick’s Esker/Dodsboro/Adamstown

Sunday Mass Times: 9am, 10.30am, 12 noon.
The 10.30am Family Mass is aimed at younger parishioners and their families.

Weekday Masses: Monday to Saturday at 10am.

All Masses livestreamed at

Adoration is held every Saturday morning after the 10am Mass from 10.30am to 11.30am.
All are welcome.

Confessions after Saturday 10am Mass and after Thursday 10am Mass.

St Patrick’s Prayer Meeting:
Every Monday night in the Pastoral Centre, (Side of St. Patrick’s Church) from 7.00pm to 7.45pm.

Communion for the Homebound:
If any member of your family is sick and housebound, and would like to receive Holy Communion, do please let us know. You can ring the Parish Office on 01 628 1018 and leave your name and address, or email us at:

Every Wednesday 10:30am in the Parish Centre. All are welcome

St. Patrick’s Parish Lucan Lottery
Join our weekly Parish Lotto
Your support makes a real difference. The jackpot increases every week plus a weekly prize.
To join now simply go to our parish website


Parish of Divine Mercy, Lucan South

Sunday Mass Times: Vigil: 6pm.
Sunday Masses: 10.30am and 12.00 noon.

Weekday Masses: Mon.-Fri.9:15am. Sat.10am

All Masses will be livestreamed on


Mass of Thanksgiving for the Fruits of Medjugorje: Every Thursday.
7.00pm: Rosary and Confessions.
7.30pm: Holy Mass. After Mass: Adoration, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Benediction.
All welcome

Adoration and Holy Hour Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament:
Mon: 7.30pm: Divine Mercy Adoration.
Fri: 1.15pm: Adoration MMPH Cenacle.
Fri: 2-3pm: Divine Mercy Devotion/Adoration.

Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Confessions every Saturday 5.15pm and after the evening Mass.

Prayers of the Church:
Mon. to Fri.: 8.40am.
The Church is open Monday to Friday from 10am to 1pm for private prayers.

Legion of Mary:
The Legion of Mary meets every Tuesday evening at 7.30pm in the Confessional Room in the church.

St Joseph’s Young Priests Society: St Joseph’s Young Priests Society has been set up in Divine Mercy Church, Lucan for all the Lucan parishes. We meet up on the first Wednesday of each month for one hour at 10.40am.



Why not come along to a one night per week programme starting on Wednesday March 12th and concluding on April 16th in Our Lady’s parish centre, Leixlip 8/8.30 to 9/9.30pm followed by tea. (March 12th 8.30 pm start.)

Charis Ireland, which is part of Charis International set up by Pope Francis, has invited all small Christian communities to host an outreach programme during Lent to mark this year’s Jubilee year theme “Pilgrims of Hope” This is our response to the invitation.

Everyone welcome. Further details on parish website: