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Planning Application Objection
I, Pat Colgan write in relation to planning application number SD24A/0290W made by Kilross Properties Ltd. With regard to lands adjacent to Ardeevin Manor, as submitted.
I wish to object to the proposed development. My objection is based on the following observations and grounds:
Health & Safety
For 97 units, there should be at least 160 car parking spaces, not 101, this is a joke. This will clog up parking in Ardeevin Manor and Avenue, so how will an ambulance or emergency vehicle get to houses at the top of the avenue, the Manor or indeed the proposed development.
If they are to come through Primrose Lane, there will be no turning space.
How are they to get to hospital, etc? Similarly, for fire brigade, ESB, waste collection, etc.
This is a health and safety issue, and the proposed development should be refused.
I would be grateful if you would consider the above in your assessment of the planning application.
Yours sincerely
Pat Colgan.