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Lucan Goal Mile 2024
Many thanks to everyone who supported the Christmas Goal Mile. A total of 9000 euro was raised through online subscriptions and on the day donations. Thank you to the many members of Lucan Harriers AC who gave their time to assist with the various roles required.
Most specially thanks to all you who supported in any way, especially the many who 'ran, jogged or walked' on Christmas morning!
Gerard Martin
Happy New Year to all who have supported the work of SVP, St. Mary's Conference throughout the past year. Donations were made at the monthly church door collections, via the parish website, to the sacristy or parish office, and to individual committee members. Many thanks to all donors.
The annual Christmas appeal at Masses in early December amounted to an amazing 13,585 euro. Thanks to the parish 'count' team for their help. Many other donations were made separately adding greatly to this amount.
Thanks to several of our local schools—principals, staff, parents and students, who ran fundraisers for us: a Sale of work at Scoil Mhuire GNS, a carol service at Gaelscoil Naomh Padraig and also at St. Andrew's NS, calendar sales at St. Joseph's College and a Christmas jumper day at St. Mary's BNS.
Thanks to Leixlip Union of Parishes for their contribution.
Sincere thanks to the Newsletter staff for their continuous coverage.
Thanks to Fr. Philip, Fr. Obaldo, sacristans Mary and Marie, and parish secretary Deirdre for their encouragement and extra help in taking in donations.
Thanks to our loyal monthly collectors.
Go raibh mile maith agaibh go leir.
May God bless you and your families throughout 2025.
SVP St. Mary's Conference, Lucan