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28 Jul 2024
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Political notes

picture of a ballot box


Politicians please note

Due to pressure of space, each representative is limited to 150 words in their report (including name and contact details).
Please keep reports relevant to Lucan
Please note: Wednesday 10pm is the weekly deadline.


Cllr Paul Gogarty, Peace Commissioner, Independent and Green-minded

Not just at election time
Tel: 087-2752489

Bus user survey - final 10 days: Last chance to input in the survey as it is closing for final collation shortly. Currently at over 1,800 respondents. Log on to to have your say. If you are not IT-literate I can do this over the phone (if you phone twice and leave a message or text me on 087-2752489).

Trimming of overgrowth: Every year we have issues getting action on overgrowth blocking footpaths and cycleways. The Council can clear safety hazards irrespective of the moratorium on hedgerow trimming, but other works will need to wait. I've reported a fair few locations at this stage, but some of these may need follow up. Let me know if you spot anywhere. Thanks to Lucan Tidy Towns for the work they do covering areas near the village especially.


Cllr. Caroline Brady, Peace Commissioner, Fine Gael

085 2551602

Esker Lane South I've raised three issues near the Glebe 1) footpath presenting a trip hazard, 2) the road is in poor condition, and 3) the lane onto the N4, pedestrian route to and from bus stop 7184 on the N4, is over grown and asked the council to investigate and revert.

Affordable Purchase Housing - The portal for online applications for Affordable Purchase Housing at Foxwood Barn, Citywest will open at 12pm on Friday, August 2, 2024, and close at 4pm on Friday, August 23, 2024. Apply at SDCC Housing Online portal

Newsletter Staff - Thank you to the newsletter team for providing such a wonderful community service and keeping us all informed about the happenings in Lucan. Your hard work is greatly appreciated. I hope you all get to enjoy some well-deserved time off over the holiday. Wishing everyone a happy and restful leave.


Minister Emer Higgins TD, Fine Gael

Constituency Office: 01 401 3416
Insta: @emerhigginstd

Great to see Lucan Businesses at Ace Enterprise Park: It was a pleasure to be a guest speaker at the recent Townhall at Ace Enterprise Park in Clondalkin on Friday, 19th July, organised in conjunction with the Local Enterprise Office. It was fantastic to see local businesses in attendance and to hear directly from those who are creating jobs and driving our local economy forward.

Funding for Sister Sheds: Congratulations to Sister Sheds, who were awarded 5000 euro under the Communities Integration Fund. Sister Sheds is a dedicated women's group based across Ireland, with a base in Adamstown Community Centre. This wonderful group is committed to fostering friendships, providing mutual support, and encouraging learning from shared experiences.

If you haven't received a copy of my latest newsletter and you would like one, please email me at


Cllr. Shane Moynihan, Fianna Fail

Ph: 087 7840898
Twitter: @shanemoynihan
Instagram: cllrshanemoynihan

Ballyowen Square Taking-in-Charge: I am very pleased to see that the Taking-in-Charge of Ballyowen Square estate will be completed in the coming weeks. This is something for which I have campaigned for a few years and this result will be welcomed by local residents. Thanks to local people who worked with me on this.

Abandoned cars: There has been an increase in the number of reports of abandoned cars in the area. If you suspect a vehicle has been abandoned in your area, please tell me, and I will ask the Litter Warden to inspect.

Thanks: As this is the last issue of the Lucan Newsletter before the summer break, let me take this opportunity to thank the Newsletter team for their dedication and hard work. They provide a really important platform for information and news to our local community, and they deserve our gratitude.


Cllr. Liona O Toole Independent


Planning Applications: Did you know you can subscribe to the weekly planning list for all received and granted applications? Contact South Dublin County Council at to learn more.

Lucan Pool Completion: It is regrettable to inform you that the completion date for the Lucan pool has been delayed again. The new handover date is now October, with the public opening projected for late December or early January 2025. I am arranging an onsite visit soon to seek clarification on various concerns and will keep everyone updated on further developments.

As Chair of our area committee, I can submit additional questions and motions. Please contact me if you have issues you'd like raised at the area level.