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14 Jul 2024
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Political notes

picture of a ballot box


Politicians please note

Due to pressure of space, each representative is limited to 150 words in their report (including name and contact details).
Please keep reports relevant to Lucan
Please note: Wednesday 10pm is the weekly deadline.


Cllr. Vicki Casserly, Fine Gael, P.C.
Mob: 085 831 7982
Twitter: @vickicasserly

Deposit Return Banks: Alongside Lucan Tidy Towns, we visiting Lucan Shopping Centres New Wheelchair Accessible Deposit Return Banks. Tried and tested it provides greater independence and ease for a wheelchair user to gain access to the facility. Largest facility currently in the country and only one of two available nationally.

12th Lock Masterplan: At this weeks council meeting, the 12th Lock Masterplan was approved by members for the development of studio and event space to benefit the Lucan community. Located beside Lucan Sarsfields, it is an exciting development for our county with the addition of wonderful amenities. If you are interested in the drawings or further information please feel free to get in touch.

Footpath Repairs Hillcrest Road, Westbrook Park: Happy to report following ongoing representations that works have been completed.


Minister Emer Higgins TD, Fine Gael

Constituency Office: 01 401 3416
Insta: @emerhigginstd

Funding for Local Groups: Well done to our local groups who were awarded Council grant funding in July under the Community and Sport Development Grants. Local recipients include Lucan Concert Band, Lucan Harriers Athletic Club, Men’s Shed Lucan, Adamstown Community Summer Camp, ICA Lucan, Balgaddy Summer Project, Crosscare Lucan Youth Service and Lucan Youth Fun.

Back to School Allowance: This week, Minister Humphreys announced that over 50,000 children in primary and secondary schools will receive their Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance. Applications open until September 30th.

Kerala House Carnival: I was delighted to be a guest speaker at Kerala House Carnival on Saturday 6th July. It was a great day, with lots of activities and fun for all ages and it was wonderful to see so many Lucan residents in attendance.


Cllr. Caroline Brady, Peace Commissioner, Fine Gael

085 2551602

Lucan House: I've had a number of queries regarding access to the grounds of Lucan Demesne now that the estate is owned by the Council. The council indicated that where feasible they will consider requests. If you require information or assistance, please let me know.

SDCC Tenant Maintenance: If you are a SDCC tenant you can make maintenance requests on the SDCC Housing Online portal or in an emergency on 01 414 9393, opening hours are Monday to Thursday 9.00am to 5.00pm, Friday 9.00am to 4.30pm. I've received queries about maintenance and am pleased that where urgent the issues were resolved promptly. I'm happy to assist / escalate where appropriate. Please contact me if you need assistance.

Millbank: I've raised the issue of the lack of parking for residents at Millbank and will update you when I receive a report.


Gino Kenny TD, People Before Profit

Phone: 085 7211574

Gender Based Violence: In recent weeks there has been much commentary on the scourge of gender based violence. All forms of physical and mental violence against women has to be called out and challenged. There has been a number of debates in recent weeks in the Oireachtas on the all most normality of the subjection of vile abuse against women. This can be only challenged not just with lengthy prison sentences but changing the toxic culture that is manufactured against women in society.

Health Committee: This week the health committee examined the issue of childhood obesity. The committee was told by Safefood Ireland that 1 in 5 school children is overweight or living with obesity. Is less affluent areas this goes to 1 in 4 four school children. These figures are staggering and are a warning in terms of future health outcomes.


Cllr Paul Gogarty, Peace Commissioner, Independent and Green-minded

Not just at election time
Tel: 087-2752489

Delays due to bereavement: Apologies, but due to the recent illness and death of a close relative, I have been unable to respond to queries. I hope to clear this backlog shortly.

Swimming Pool sub-contractor delays: This Friday, Councillors were due to get a further tour of the pool complex. It should have been completed by now, but there appears to be a delay with certain works, which need to be finished before other subcontractors can come in.

Bus detour for road closure near Ash Park/Esker Manor/Swimming Pool: To facilitate a sewer connection on behalf of Irish Water, the road opposite Lucan Pool site and Colaiste Cois Life will closed from this Monday 15th July until Friday. Search 'Road' on my website for more details. The C1 bus will also be diverted via Esker Lane/Elmbrook Avenue.


Cllr. Shane Moynihan, Fianna Fail

Ph: 087 7840898
Twitter: @shanemoynihan
Instagram: cllrshanemoynihan

Ebikes charging station at Liffey Valley Park: I have learned from ESB Networks, having contacted them, that the e-bike charging stations outside Liffey Valley Park will be removed over the coming weeks as well as the paint and racks. The bikes have not been there for some time due to anti-social behaviour and I have asked ESB Networks to consult with local representatives before any new installation to identify a new location.

Road diversion: Lucan Newlands Road (between Griffeen Way Roundabout and Old Esker Lane) will have a diversion in place between 15 and 19 July for installation of a sewer connection. Dublin Bus have advised there will be a change in the C1 route for this period. Buses will proceed onto Esker Lane, Elmbrook Avenue and Willsbrook Road, back onto Griffeen Road (and vice versa). The bus stops at Lucan Leisure Centre will not be in use during this time.