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28 July 2024
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Not just for the coffee!


St. Mary's in Lucan is home to the 'Coffee Dock' a small cafe-like space which welcomes visitors after Sunday and weekday Masses. St. Patricks also offers such a facility in the Church porch after Sunday Mass, and in the parish meeting room, off the church, on Wednesdays. (Tuesdays during the summer schedule). Divine Mercy in Lucan south also offer such hospitality on Wednesdays after 9:15am Mass, in the parish meeting room.

These spaces provide an opportunity for parishioners to meet after Mass and enjoy coffee, tea, and biscuits as well as a catch-up with neighbours and friends. The atmosphere is warm and welcoming and affords an opportunity for meeting fellow churchgoers outside of the formal church setting. The very practice of sharing a cuppa with others is a kind of bonding exercise, which serves to strengthen the bonds more formally celebrated in the Eucharist. In essence it is a community building opportunity, an opportunity to get to know many of the faces that might otherwise remain strangers. Those who may be new to the parish are particularly welcome.

In an age when life can be highly privatised, the value of having such a space should not be underestimated. To be able to wander in after Mass and enjoy the company of others, without an agenda of any kind, can be invaluable. This facility is made possible by the volunteers who 'man the teapots', and we are indebted to those who give of themselves so willingly.

I'm conscious that I'm writing this as the facilities will close for the summer break during August, but I would like to thank all those involved and hopefully encourage new 'customers' when we reopen in September.


Normal service will be restored....
As you are aware we have been operating to a summer schedule of Masses during June, July and August. The good news is that the normal schedule will resume with the return of the Sunday Evening Mass at 7:00 pm each Sunday in St. Mary's, commencing on Sunday September 8th.

The normal weekday schedule i.e. Daily Mass in St. Patrick's and St. Mary's, Monday - Sat at 10:00 am will resume on Monday September 9th.

Bye for now .....
The Newsletter team will be taking their well-deserved summer break for the month of August. The next edition will be in September. A big thank-you to the small and loyal production team, and to those who fold and deliver the finished product!

Wishing you all an enjoyable break, and let's hope Summer materialises!

Philip Curran,
St. Patrick's and St. Mary's