Would You Like to Live on Reality TV!
I can honestly say that I don't watch Love Island and never have! When I see the adverts for it and similar, my eyes go from being crossed, to watering, to wanting to close! The brief glimpse at the washer-board and six pack abdomens on pale Irish/British bodies sprayed with what looks like a Ronseal fence paint in varying shades. The lips (regardless of gender) look like they got stuck to an industrial plunger for a week and would provide bad service to a hot mug of coffee.
As I chill in my cosy armchair it leaves me perfectly (well almost!) happy with, well - something that certainly doesn't look like a six pack - just one floppy pack! I'm just not bought with the idea of a non-delicious green slimy spirulina for breakfast or protein powder as a mid-morning treat! I walk every day, as it's my mental detox and relaxation space, but let me pass on the lifting of dead weights (being a Carer took the shine off lifting unnecessary weights) or skipping for 1000 times, unless it is for a challenge that has a purpose beyond honing the body that is made to respect gravity as the years pass.
There is a transfer of above ideas permeating life as the projected images of perfection pop up when opening any social media platform. They ping at night just before sleep assails and as snooze time ends - the platforms are aware of our pattern of day by the apps that we touch on even once. They then turn up like unwanted visitors on the door step who having met once on the DART would assume to have a place in one’s home and life. Pointing them towards the garden gate would be the wise move with such visits from unwanted pings! However, I have some clothes in my wardrobe, that looked good on the honed mannequins, but ... I have them as a result of not showing such visitors to the garden gate! The images on the pop-up’s are photoshopped!
Reality is the very last word that should be used to describe Realty TV. Reality is sharing an evening with friends who don’t care what one wears, does, looks like and with whom a good belly laugh (with wobbles) may be had. Reality is accepting that no one is really looking at anyone else - that look is saved for the mirror! Reality is dealing with the stuff that love requires, which is not romantic for the most part, but requires an attitude that lifts up whatever needs lifting up today! Reality is about doing what is needed to have a healthy body and mind to take on the pleasures, challenges, opportunities, responsibilities of life .... Reality is about looking out, not in, connecting with one another and the beautiful world!
Cathy Burke
Catechist in the Lucan Partnership of Parishes