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8 September 2024
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A Welcome Visitor to Lucan


We are delighted to welcome Bishop Francis Kibira, Bishop of the diocese of Kasese in Uganda, on a visit to Lucan. Bishop Francis heads the home diocese of Fr. Ubaldo Muhindo and Fr. Dominic Kwikiriza (who now ministers in Beaumont parish).

Kasese Diocese is located in the western part of Uganda. It falls under the ecclesiastical province of Mbarara. The diocese was established on March 6, 1989, and covers a total area of approximately 3,205 square kilometers. Bishop Francis is the second Bishop to serve there and was appointed on April 15th 2014. Many of the parishes in Kasese are in a remote mountainous region where access poses something of a challenge.

While Ireland is experiencing something of a 'vocations famine' at present, the church in many parts of the developing work is flourishing, and Uganda is no exception. Seminaries are full, and there are many young women entering religious life. Uganda is a developing nation and the per capita income is low, so money is in short supply.

The annual cost of supporting a student for the priesthood in Uganda is, in Irish terms, quite low, just 500 euro, but even this relatively small amount poses a significant challenge for a developing church.

Could you help?
If you would be willing to support a student for the priesthood in the Diocese of Kasese it would be of great help. On the week-end of September 21st and 22nd we will make available in our parishes some pre-printed envelopes for that purpose. Your support would be a great expression of gratitude to Bishop Francis for his generosity in allowing Fr. Ubaldo and Fr. Dominic to minister among us, and a significant gesture of solidarity with a developing church.

Fruits of Irish missionary endeavour
For many years past, Irish Missionaries were instrumental in bringing the faith to many parts of the world. The Irish missionary tradition goes back centuries, and we can be rightly proud of the many women and men who spent their lives so that others might come to faith in Jesus.

Perhaps what we see in recent times represents the fruits of the Irish missionary thrust. Priests from Africa, India and many other places where our missionaries laboured have come to minister among us. They bring with them the vibrancy and commitment of a young church, and we have much to learn from them. Any support you can offer will be of great help.

Philip Curran
St. Mary's & St. Patrick's